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Our Story

Dogs at temple waiting to be fed

Where it all began

Our mission to rescue abandoned and sick Thai dogs began in Hua Hin in 2003 under the name of Hua Hin Dog Rescue. After 6 years of being moved from one location to another, we finally relocated to Bang Saphan 200ks further south and our name was changed to Headrock Dogs Rescue.


In 2009 husband and wife team Verity and Thep took over. Since then we've been working tirelessly to raise the standard of animal welfare in Bang Saphan and beyond. Rescue, sterilisation, treatment and adoption of sick and injured dogs and puppies, together with feeding programs at local temples, are all vital components of our mission.

We cover a huge area, almost 900kms between Bang Saphan and the Myanmar border, with an estimated 100,000 stray animals throughout the region. Animal welfare is scant and little government support is provided for neutering and vaccinations. This makes our work critical.

Our Mission

Establishing our Healing Centre

2008 - 2010

We initially built our healing centre with no funds using left over material from Hua Hin Dog Rescue to build the dogs’ shelters. 30 dogs arrived from Hua Hin of which 15 were successfully adopted in the first year. However Bang Saphan locals favoured our front gate as their puppy dumping ground abandoning some 30 puppies in just a few months.

During the next four years we built a number of A frame houses and erected two puppy pens with donations from several supporters.

New erected A frame houses and puppy pens
New concreated shelters for the dogs and puppies


A group of Australian ladies who formed K9Aid raised funds enabling us to concrete a large area which was constantly flooded. We then appealed to our supporters to help pay for much needed shelters to keep the dogs dry and shaded from the sun. 

Two valued supporters Anh Do and Maitreyi Karanth generously funded the shelters and two more puppy pens which made a fantastic difference to the dogs’ wellbeing. Thep and his cousin undertook the building.


Another supporter Lesley Scott completed a sponsored 10 mile hike with her little Dachshund Maggie in the Scottish highlands, in the snow! These two heroes raised over 700.00 pounds enabling us to build two much needed sick rooms which have been in constant use since their completion in February 2017.

New tiled dog pen for the shelter
Volunteer preparing food for the dogs


In November 2018-2020 Four Paws, an international charity based in Vienna, partnered with us to support our Saving Thailand’s Forgotten Dogs temple and street dog program. With their funding we have been able to build a larger better equipped kitchen and a much needed sterile room.


      Government Registrations


9 June 2020 marks a milestone in our 12 years running Headrock Dogs Rescue. That day we heard we got our Government registration with the Thai Ministry of Interior No 99/2563.


We've had so many false starts and catastrophes like floods washing away our papers or Governors and assistant governors moving on or losing our papers and several inspections. But after 5 years we’ve succeeded. A big thank you to everyone involved especially Thep who never gave up.

In September 2020 the Provincial head of the Livestock Department part of the Thai Ministry of Public Health visited us for an inspection prior to our Shelter registration. He arrived with his team and immediately asked to interview us. He asked lots of questions about the dogs, about us, our standard of care, who we help, our monthly costs, treatments, and neutering, for over an hour. Then he inspected our Healing Centre.


After thoroughly inspecting the pens, the shelters where most of the dogs stay, the open ground, our kitchen and store rooms he told us everything was good. He assured us we would receive our Shelter Registration by 28 October 2020 when he was due to have a big meeting with many heads of departments.


Sure enough, on that very day, we got a phone call saying that our Shelter Registration had been approved. A week later we received our Certificate No 0063/2563.


Provincial Head of the Livestock Department of the Thai Ministry of Public health inspecting our shelter

The beginning of our temple outreach program

Verity cleaning  and treating a mange dog at the temple

First call out

On arrival to Bang Saphan in 2008 we were called out by the Abbot of a local Temple where the dogs were in appalling condition. Horrific wounds, weeping skins, blood parasites, tapeworms, tiny puppies dying from Parvo and Distemper. The need for treatments was severe and urgent.

First puppy pen

We built a puppy pen where 17 tiny pups were immediately cared for, many of which went on to be adopted. We organized neutering clinics where all the females were neutered. We undertook a vaccination program for all the dogs and puppies and we frequently took sick and injured dogs to the vet.

Erected our first puppy pen
Temple Abbot stroking one of the temple dogs

Temple Abbot

The Temple Abbot is a true dog lover. With his support we’re happy to report that in 2019 all male and female dogs including the puppies around the Temple are neutered and fully vaccinated, and wounds are infrequent. 

Monthly program

We’ve been carrying out monthly de-tick, de-worm and vaccination programs together with regular neuterings since 2008.. These dogs can now live in a paradise with the health and happiness to enjoy their environment to the full.  

Thep feeding the dogs at the temple
Thep and Verity examining the dogs at the temple for any illness or infections

The future

We are constantly extending our care for temple dogs that need assistance. The monks and feeders are all dog lovers and contact us when they're concerned about a dog. 


We treat the dog ourselves if the condition isn't serious. In the case of accidents we take responsibility for the dog but have to fundraise for the treatment costs.


Donations are so vital to the outreach work we do.

We Need Your Support Today!

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