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Fundraise for us

Fundraising stories

We are very lucky to have many dedicated supporters who know we need help with funds and donations. These wonderful people take it upon themselves to raise funds for us often causing themselves considerable hardship. They are our angels and we truly value their great efforts. Read the trials and tribulations some of our fundraisers have gone through to help make our dogs’ lives better. 

Pippa's Fire Walk

Pippa, one of our fantastic supporters, raised funds for us once again, this time through an amazing firewalk event.

Here is what Pippa had to say "I want to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated and supported me with my FIREWALK. It turns out I also walked on glass which was unexpected! We raised a total of £850 for Headrock Dogs Rescue. That is incredible, you have all been so generous, thank you so much it will help so many dogs in need."

Watch my journey in the video.

A heartfelt thank you from Headrock Dogs Rescue to Pippa and all of you who contributed to her amazing fundraiser.

Pippa Price, advert for sponsored fire walk
Pippa holding a drawing of headrock dogs rescue logo
Giving Tuesday Fundraiser poster of mum and puppies

Giving Tuesday,

A huge THANK YOU again to Compassion Sans Borders for their fantastic matching donation fundraiser to which 25 of our truly wonderful supporters donated raising 87.150 baht. 68,362 baht of this amazing amount will be generously matched by CSB which means that our community neutering program can continue well into the future.

​A HUGE Thank You also to all you wonderful supporters for donating so generously to this important fundraiser. You not only reached our target but you sent us racing past it. You all have played an important part in helping to stop the suffering of unwanted kittens and puppies.

We have seen the suffering these innocent creatures endure from the puppies we constantly rescue. They are starving, terrified, diseased and often injured. We give you a virtual standing ovation!!

​We are so very fortunate to have Compassion Sans Borders organisation partnering with us on our community neutering program.

​You all ROCK and we LOVE you all.

​I tried to tag you all but failed..sorry!


​Lisa Lazor                                      Susan Harrison

Janet Leger Hunt                         Jenn Thaiyanont Anderson

Anna Elizabeth                             Christine MacDonald   

Deb Scanlon                                 Gill Callander

Sally Higgs                                    Jackie Honghern Sharp

Waii Theis                                      Char Jared Keller

Sabina Sjöberg                              France Briere

Mathias Sjoberg                            Christine Whitefield

Asama Kingounette Perrin            Danielle Chandler

Louise Hinson                                 K9 Aid

Pipa had a fundraiser for us in her Hairdressers

This is what Pippa Price had to say;

"Set amidst swaying coconut palms not far from the quiet beaches of Bangsaphan on the Gulf of Thailand, Headrock Dogs Rescue (HDR) is a small operation powered by the will and drive of British born Verity Cattanach Poole and her husband Suthep Samkuntod (Thep), a native of Thailand. The couple has dedicated their lives to sheltering, healing and rehoming the area’s abandoned dogs, which are, unfortunately, legion".

Pippa and her customers raised £270 for us. Thank you soo much!!

Hairdresser Sponsor Nov 2021 advertising pictures
Inspriational bike ride fundraiser for Headrock Dogs Rescue

Inspirational Bike Ride Across Thailand

1750 kilometers in 6 Days


This wonderful young American man Robert Heyer undertook a mammoth bike ride from The Golden Triangle down to Phuket to raise funds for us asking for donations of $1 per kilometre.

Robert organised the entire trip himself. He found a driver to follow as a backup and hired a pickup truck at his own expense. Whilst training for this amazing bike ride, Robert had been cycling around our district and seen several dogs that needed our help

We had some t-shirts specially printed for his bike ride which we hoped would stand out and get people to ask what he was doing and why. Robert wanted to spread the word about our work throughout Thailand.

The ride took Robert a total of 6 days and he raised a whopping $2050/70,000Bht.

Thank You Robert..


Thank you K9 Aid

Today we gave over 20 hungry temple dogs their Christmas treat thanks to the generosity of K9Aid and it's donors. A heartfelt thanks to you all. With your generous donation, we bought 5 x 20-kilo bags of dry food for their Christmas lunch and for the next few weeks

To most dogs, dry food/kibbles are part of their normal diet but to these dogs, it was the best food they'd had for days. The story is a sad one.

Their carer for over 10 years was a lovely man called Sert. Sadly he contracted cancer earlier this year and he died a few months ago. I felt he was watching us as we went from one small group to another with food for them. And I'm sure he had a big smile.

About 12 of these temple dogs live in the temple grounds but another 15 are feral living in vast wild expanses at the back of the temple. They were temple dogs but bullied out of the temple and their offspring have never known the temple. Their life is extremely hard since Sert died.

Last year he tracked 7 of these dogs who were pregnant living far away in the undergrowth. With his help, our outreach team rescued the puppies and trapped 5 Mothers. All 5 were neutered and their pups totalling 45 were all adopted into loving homes and neutered too. Sadly we can't continue this program as Sert is no longer here.

The lady who helped Sert has been doing her best to feed all the dogs but only has funds to provide food once every 2 or 3 days. She now has enough food to feed them all daily for the next 2 to 3 weeks. After then it'll be back to scant feeding.

If any of you reading this would like to follow K9Aid's generosity and consider helping these needy dogs please make a small donation. Your kindness might save them from being poisoned if they're forced to kill chickens through hunger.

Swiss volunteers bring medicine for the healing center

Franz & Franziska

This fantastic husband and wife team not only dedicate their precious time to our dogs volunteering for the 9 months they are in Thailand but they also raise money for us each time they return their native Switzerland for 3 months to work. They love our dogs so much and they take every opportunity to improve their lives.


Last year they raised 25,000 Baht in Euros which they took to a nearby German town to buy special products for the dogs. They then carried their ladened bags all the way back to us here in Thailand full of fantastic donations. We couldn't be more grateful for these two superstars!


Thank you Franz and Franziska from all the dogs at Headrock!

Jackie’s bike ride

Jackie really wanted to help our dogs. She decided to do a 40 mile off-road bike ride with no training. WOW! What a brave challenge!! She was determined to finish all 40 miles, and finish she did. As a grandmother Jackie is an inspiration to us all, proving age is just a number and you can do anything with enough love and motivation in your heart. Thank you Jackie, your big heart made a very big difference for our grateful dogs! 


Here's what Jackie had to say:


Having visited this wonderful place the previous year, I knew I would be returning and wanted to raise some money to take back with me. A 40 mile off-road bike ride seemed a great way to be sponsored. I most certainly am not a cyclist, so this really was a big challenge. My husband cycled with me, giving me more and more encouragement as the miles went by.

I found it extremely hard with some of the conditions of the terrain. I fell off many times. It became even harder as the rain came down. It was my love of the dogs that kept me going. They don't have a choice in life, but I did and wasn't going to let the dogs down. I raised more than my target... just over £600. I was so happy.

Jackie fallen over after an exhausting 40mile bike ride fund raiser
Mari and April bringing gifts for the rescue centre

Mari & April

In October/November 2018, my friend and I had the pleasure and the privilege of volunteering at Headrock Dogs. Having spoken to Verity to ask if they needed any specific items brought over, we decided to ask for help with donations from the local community in Glasgow, Scotland. We had an overwhelming response from people and we were able to get most items that Verity had mentioned. We had dog jackets, toys and medical items. The only problem was... How do we get ALL of it over to Thailand?!!!


We ended up using up all of our baggage allowance for the flights and got everything squeezed into 2 large suitcases. Our personal belongings were drastically minimised and ended up fitting into the only allowance we had left.. our hand luggage!!!!


Ok, so far so good, then we arrived in Thailand and that's when it really hit us. Four cases had to be crammed onto the train, two of which weighed more than our own bodyweight! Thankfully, due to very kind locals, we managed to get all the cases on board and arrived safely in Bang Saphan.


Whilst at Headrock, the weather was very wet over a couple of days and we managed to see the dog jackets we had brought being used. It was fantastic to see them being put to good use and the dogs being all dry and cosy. We also got to observe the toys being played with by both the adult dogs and the puppies... great enrichment for them all.


It was the experience of a lifetime and I look forward to doing it all again... even hauling the heavy suitcases halfway across the world.

Thank you ladies, all the dogs are very grateful for your generous gifts and your dedication to getting them to us, we look forward to seeing you again!

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