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2022 A Year of Parvo and Injured Puppies

HAPPY CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR to all our wonderful supporters who've made 2022 a fantastic year for donations and sponsorships. Without your amazing generosity, we wouldn't be able to save so many tiny puppies from certain death and to stop many more unwanted puppies and kittens from being born. We are truly grateful.

Our First Litter The year started off with a bang! We agreed to take in 6 tiny starving puppies found 100ks away on a deserted beach by tourists. We treated, vaccinated and neutered them over a 4- month period and got all of them adopted. The year continued as it started, with 64 (and counting) puppies rescued both at our Healing Centre and at the temple where we also work.

Most of them were 6 weeks or less and abandoned in the bushes or by a busy road, a few with their mothers but most without. It's a miracle none were killed by passing vehicles or aggressive street dogs. Every litter was a heartbreaking sight with the puppies terrified all huddled together often with rain pouring down and drenching them.

Puppies injured and attacked Although there have been no deaths from road accidents we've recently rescued 2 puppies with broken legs from motorbikes hitting them. Operations to insert a steel pin is very expensive costing over $300 and there's always a danger of it being rejected. Cow Pord had the operation but little Sugar was treated by our vet who bandaged her leg to make a cast-like covering. She's still under treatment and restricted to her cage and the break is healing well.

I'm sure you all know about little Pampam who was heartlessly abandoned all alone unable to find food or water. We rescued her near death, starving and dangerously dehydrated with deep dog bites in her thigh.

Parvo attack We are very diligent with our puppy care. They're rescued starving and covered in fleas and ticks and full of worms. For 12 years we've had no deaths but this year the deadly Parvo virus attacked our puppies. Where this horrific virus came from I have no idea but it attacked 3 tiny puppies who'd never ventured out of their cage. Happily, 2 pups survived but little Brier died suddenly after recovering. We were devastated.

6 months later we had another Parvo outbreak attacking 4 beautiful puppies killing 2 within days. This outbreak was far more aggressive than the previous one with the first puppy dying at the vet's clinic just after being tested negative for Parvo. Little Samlee was touch and go for a few days and happily, she pulled through with Daisy who remained strong throughout.

Happy Endings We've now renovated a large isolation pen making 2 smaller puppy pens where they are completely safe. We already have 2 puppy isolation pens but they were both full as the new ones are now too!

Most of our puppies have happy endings, especially with adoptions. We're very proud of our adoption successes. Every puppy that we've cared for this year has been spayed or neutered and adopted into wonderful homes. This makes all our hard work worthwhile.

Prepare for 2023 Our workload will undoubtedly increase in 2023 as nothing gets better in the rescue world! Puppies will continue to be abandoned and injured. We will continue to get many requests to help. We never say No. Please consider making a small donation to help us help tiny innocent lives. We value your support.

Your Compassion and Generosity Help Save Lives Thank You for Caring!!

We are registered with the Thai Government but receive no government funding. We rely on your generosity to help us continue the work we've been doing since 2004 Saving Thailand's Forgotten Dogs Thank you


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