We rescued Jintana as a tiny puppy from under dirty stairs in the Temple. She was with her mum and 2 siblings who were starving, cos their mother had a festering bite wound by her teats and wouldn’t let the puppies near her. Jintana was trying to eat her mother’s leftover food, so we had to bottle feed her with goats’ milk.

As you can see from the pictures below, Jintana grew into a striking young puppy and dog, with unusual markings on her face and a soft short coat.

She was strong and healthy and enjoyed playing with our other dogs and having a bit of adventure.
Now, the same environment she loved playing in threatens her existence. For the past 5 years, Jintana has been the victim of atopic dermatitis, which makes her highly sensitive to the environment around her and extremely uncomfortable.

She has been on so many treatments, like Bravecto, Nexgard potions and lotions from the vet, most of which are toxic. We've tried creams from the UK, sprays from Australia, and soaps from the USA.

Some have made a difference whilst she's being treated, but as soon as it stops, she loses all her fur. In addition to Atopic Dermatitis Jintana may have hormonal problems as she's now 12 years old. It could be black alopecia, pyoderma, impetigo, fungal or an allergy. The list is endless.
Jintana needs someone who wants to make her better as much as we do. She needs someone who'll say 'Aww' when she's getting better, and 'How can I help?' when she's had a relapse. Someone who feels for her horrible itching and constant scratching. And someone who agrees with the natural therapies, which she has daily. Green tea, turmeric, honey, coconut oil, sesame oil, apple cider vinegar and betadine wash. At least we know her internal organs aren't getting damaged with this treatment which she likes. She also has a special diet of rice, fish, eggs and a range of vitamins.

Did you know 1st December is Giving Tuesday? On this global day of giving, millions of people from every corner of the globe will come together to do good and to give back. We hope you would like to join these people.
If your heart goes out to Jintana and you want to help her please visit her page on our website https://www.headrockdogs.org/HeadRock-Dogs/sponsor-Jintana or make a small donation to help her recover and regain her former beauty.
Thank you for your support and for giving Jintana a chance!