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Inspirational Bike Ride Across Thailand

Updated: Oct 17, 2021

1750 kilometers in 6 Days This wonderful young American man Robert Heyer is undertaking a very challenging bike ride. He will be setting off from Thailand's most northern point at The Golden Triangle down to Phuket in the south to raise funds for us. He will be starting his bike ride this week and he anticipates his herculean ride will take 6 days.

Covid 19 is still a danger

Bear in mind Covid 19 is still rampant in Thailand so Robert's putting himself at great risk cycling through 13 Provinces even though he's vaccinated. Robert is selflessly doing this for our dogs. We all know that vaccinations don't protect you a 100% from Covid 19...

Robert's Route

We had some t-shirts specially printed for his bike ride which we hope will stand out and get people asking what he's doing and why. Robert wants to spread the word about our work throughout Thailand.

How we met This young American has been teaching English for a year at a large secondary school in BangSaphan where we live. He contacted us when he saw a suffering dog in his school's car park.

On visiting the school to see what treatment the dog needed, it was too late. The poor old dog had the most horrific tumour and the kindest thing was to put him to sleep.

Volunteered with us

Soon after that Robert and his girlfriend Olivia volunteered with us a few times and were impressed by what they saw. They made friends with our dogs very quickly. This is what Robert wrote about us in his Instagram post...

The two of them immediately posted about our work on Facebook and got lots of interest. Robert felt we needed more support as we are 90% funded by donations. So he decided to undertake this incredible bike ride alone with a backup car.

Please donate $1 a kilometer Robert has organised the entire trip himself. He's found a driver to follow as a backup and he's hired a pickup truck at his own expense. Whilst training for this grueling bike ride, Robert has been cycling around our district and seen several dogs that need our help.

We are asking you to kindly donate 1$ a kilometre for this fantastic young man. Robert's determination to undertake this exhausting trip to fund our work is inspirational. He's a great dog lover and full of compassion. Please give him a big Thumbs Up, and a donation to speed him on his way.

Thank you for caring!

8th October 2021

Cycling 1750 ks to raise funds for our dogs has to be one of the most awesome feats that our supporters has done for us.

Robert started his incredible bike ride in the most northern point of Thailand at the Golden Triangle and he will be finishing it at Phuket in the south. On his first day Robert cycled 300kms. Wow!! And days 2 to 4 he averaged 200ks.

This morning he stopped off to see us on his way south. It was a short visit with his back up driver Tira as Robert has another 600kms to go. She is tracking him all the way to make sure he's OK.

I can't find words to say how much I admire this guy. His generosity and determination to raise funds for us is beyond awesome. If you feel the same please make a small donation. We are asking for $1.00 a kilometer of your choice and every $ will go to our dogs.

10th October 2021

This incredible guy is just outside Phuket! He's 90ks off from completing his incredible 1750ks bike ride to raise funds for our dogs and our work.

And his Fundraiser has exceeded It's goal!!!!

Wow we're in awe of Robert here at Headrock Dogs Rescue. If any of our supporters would like to make a small donation too... Robert would be so look happy.


15th October 2021

A huge Thank You to Rob the intrepid cyclist who arrived in Phuket on Monday morning. It took him 8 days after setting off from the Golden Triangle to cycle 1750kms to raise funds for us.

We are in awe of Rob's achievement. He never gave up for us despite cycling through torrential rain in he last few days before he reached Phuket

A huge Thank You to Rob and his amazing supporters who donated over $2000 on his fundraiser for us. The funds have already been sent to our PayPal.

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Thank you for caring!



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